Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kian's turn...

Kia Ora Kauto

My name is Kian.

We're restarting my blog. So everyone be quiet please while I blog.

Please be advised blah blah blah.

Remember that this is a really special appointment so be really, really, really, really quiet. Ok guys?

Once upon a time I went with Mum to the library. Mum asked. I said we'd have to ask Daddy. Daddy is called Chris and my mum calls my dad Chris but I call him Daddy. So we drove in the car to the library. After the library Mummy whispered "Should we go to the swimming pool after the library."
I answered "Oh why yes that's a really good plan."
So we went to the swimming pool and at the swimming pool we had to learn first. We didn't forget all the things we needed like costumes, goggles and if you go swimming you have to wear all of that.
After the pool we went home and then we went and got something to eat and drink.

I hope everyone enjoyed my story. I have to go now.

Haere Ra