Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday 29th November

Yesterday was a very busy day.

We went to Lower Hutt for the morning to get me a toy to put an mp3 player in so that I can take my bedtime music with me when we go out at night. We couldn't find anything. But we did get to have some sushi for lunch, I tasted some of Mummy's without any wasabi.

After an afternoon nap and an early bath, I was put in the car and taken out to dinner. I wasn't too keen to go and cried all the way there but I was ok once we got there. I had fun meeting new people but got really tired. Mummy got me to sleep and I slept upstairs in my KinderKot while Mummy and Daddy had yummy food. They had a lovely time and were so impressed with me. I only woke up once at 9 when the other little girl cried. I didn't even wake up when I was being put in the car. Or into the cot when we got home. I ended up sleeping until 3am which is unheard of! And then again until 5:30 and 7.

Poor Mummy would be feeling better today if she had gotten to bed earlier.

It was such a good night that Daddy and Mummy think they might try going out again.

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