Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Terrible Tuesday

Well after last night you would think I would be exhausted... But I am not.
I had to be convinced for an hour to go back to sleep when it was my nap time. It got so bad Mummy made brownies to cheer herself up.

This afternoon we are looking after Laila so Marnie can go do some Christmas shopping on her own. I can't wait!

Later on Tuesday:

Marnie came over and instead of leaving Laila here, she convinced Mummy to go out for a coffee. While Mummy got out of her trackie bums and into something decent and not covered in snot, I showed Marnie that I can share. I gave Laila my favourite toy. And she enjoyed playing with it too.

At the coffee shop I sat and watched all the baristas, they had antlers on their heads! Not sure why, but it might have something to do with the guy in red... And those weird songs Mummy has been listening to during the day.

Mummy also saw a T-shirt she is going to get me. It says "Who needs Santa when you have a Grandma".

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